Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Talk

My 10 year old son gets "The Talk" in school tomorrow. The class on Human Growth and Development starts with covering puberty (I HATE that word for some reason) and hygiene.

A few months ago, I recall my son saying something to the effect of "Puberty? Whew...I hope I don't catch THAT."


I'm fairly sure it's come a long way since I saw this Disney animated gem as a fourth grade girl in 1980. I can certainly say with some pride that my kids are much more aware of anatomy, sex, and human development than I was at the same age. I try very hard to stay cool and matter-of-fact when discussing the topic or answering questions.

At least I know I won't be nervously perched on the side of the bathtub with a psychotic smile as my daughter sits on the toilet in shock saying, "I know this is exciting! Do you have any questions?" Because that was the ONLY single time my mother and I EVER discussed puberty or sex. At all.

This memory makes me nauseated and sweaty. I have sworn on a stack of Tampax boxes that my children will not go into this stage of life unprepared or handicapped with a nervously twee mother who can't say the word "penis" or "vagina" in front of her kids. They will be nervous or who knows--maybe the combination of a modern curriculum with professional, honest delivery will get them through. I just want them to be comfortable asking the questions before they decide their parents are lumpy, old creatures without a sex drive or any knowledge.

Is it too much to ask that I raise two relatively well adjusted, kind, honest, moral kids without a bunch of sexual hangups or emotional scars?

It's not, right?

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