Monday, May 19, 2014

The Keys to My Sanity

I will admit to being a hot mess as a parent. I don't do mornings very well and I usually end up herding my pair of kids into the minivan at least 10 minutes later than I want to for school drop off.

There even may be some yelling. Today, oddly, there was no yelling. In spite of the fact that I failed to locate my keys. That's right. The odyssey that began at 8:45 this morning is still ongoing.

My husband works out of town so he was my first text. Then I called him. He recalled moving my keys from the kitchen table but they were not in one of the "usual" spots.

After 15 minutes of random searching, and a request for odd search places on Facebook, I started a more methodical approach.

Emptied Purse
Searched all jacket pockets (Found $30 YAY!)
Emptied "junk" drawer
Sorted and searched all dirty laundry
Searched garbage can (Washed coffee grounds-covered hands)
Searched van (under seats, under floor mats)
Emptied roller derby gear bags (I had a roller derby bout on Saturday)
Checked dog food bin, refrigerator, freezer, pantry, dryer, washer, and bathrooms

My dear friend, Amber, called me to see if I could go to lunch. She also had a rough morning. So she came, we took the kids to school together and she drove me to a dealership to try to get another key made. Dealer said they had my VIN on file and cut me another key, so Amber and I went to drink margaritas lunch.
Tried key after lunch. They used the VIN from my OLD car, not my 2006 Mom-Mobile minivan.

I called AAA and they are sending a tow truck to tow my van to the dealership, where they can reprogram a new key.

Things that are invaluable to a mom:
AAA Card
A friend that will go get a margarita in the middle of the day

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